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About Us

Based in Tauranga, we specialise in quality business advice and taking care of your accounting needs at an affordable price.


We’re a relatively small firm – so you’ll have ready access to who you need to help you.  And we have the skills and experience to support you manage all aspects of your business.

Naturally we provide the core services you would expect, in terms of meeting your compliance and tax obligations.  We can provide advice and support with your PAYE and GST.  We are the registered office for dozens of company clients, and independent trustee for many trusts.

"We have the skills and experience to support you manage all aspects of your business."

We've assisted many clients with their first foray into business, either starting up or acquiring businesses. Working with them to grow their business or navigate difficult times. Sometimes a business plan is required to secure finance.  These days a budget and cash flow forecast is as much required by the banks as it should be by business owners.  We can help here too.  And we’ll provide monitoring and support systems to assist you to achieve success in your goals.  You’ll know you have our support and we're there when you need us.


We’ve conducted due diligence, valued businesses, assisted with finance applications, negotiated with IRD and been a sounding board when decisions are required. Software options, employees vs contractors, lease/finance or buy plant & equipment, lease or purchase premises we've helped with those issues too. We provide the support you need when you need it and don't lock you into paying for services you dont need.

And we’ve helped many clients extract themselves from their businesses, either through sale or succession and exit plans or just winding up their business.

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